Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Alexa Skill Developer #1 Support Issue for Me

I took a long hiatus from building skills and am just getting back into it.  I made some dumb mistakes getting stuff to work.  But recently I realized it wasn't always my dumb mistakes.  I ran into an issue twice where all I had to do was "reboot" my Alexa skill.  Equivalent of the the favorite help desk suggestion of turn it off and back on again; unplug it and plug it back in.

Flipping the Test is enabled for this skill was required a couple of times that I remember.

  1. I updated my invocation phrase and rebuilt my models, but things did not work right until I toggled this switch.
  2. After having my certification fail, I tried testing my interactions again and my skill didn't respond.  Toggling the switch fixed that also.
So, when all else fails... flip this switch off and on again.

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